Respona Review: Personalize Your Outreach The Right Way

Last Updated on 5 months by Christopher Jan Benitez

In this Respona review, you will learn if this brand-new outreach tool will help you build relationships online much more effectively.

Because, let’s face it, you can’t build links or generate website traffic if you don’t know how to engage with your audience like a human being.

There’s only so much that writing SEO-friendly content and sharing it on social media could do!

So, let’s get on with the show and see if Respona is something you can use in your marketing strategy.

What is Respona?

respona homepage

Respona is an outreach platform build by Visme, a visual content creation tool, in the vein of Ninja Outreach.

Due to the stiff competition from Canva and Prezi in 2013, Visme needed an ace up its sleeve to get more than a slice from the pie.

The brand turned to blogger outreach to generate buzz about their tool. After trying out different tools to develop and launch outreach campaigns, Visme decided to create a tool of their own. Hence, Respona was born.

The key to this marketing tactic is personalization. Blogger outreach entails you to send bulk emails to site owners. As a result, some of the emails lose their personal touch because they try to cater to all recipients.

With Respona, Visme was able to maintain a personal approach in their emails despite reaching out to hundreds and thousands of site owners.

Using its in-house tool, Visme cut 80% of its outreach costs and multiplied its team’s productivity tenfold!

The brand’s success using Respona encouraged it to launch the tool as a stand-alone product.

How does Respona work?

As with most blogger outreach tools, Respona helps you reach out to journalists and bloggers about your business in a personalized way while cutting down on costs.

Instead of manually finding prospects and sending out emails to each, you can do all that with a few clicks of a button using Respona.

First, sign up for an account to to create a campaign. For example, I want to generate backlinks to my review about Serpstat, an SEO tool.

create a new campaign using respona

Next, you must choose how you want to find prospects for your campaign.

There are two choices: Content Based or Import.

how to find prospects using Respona

The former allows you to use its built-in search feature to find the right people who will receive your outreach email. It will also take care of finding the emails, setting up the drip sequence, and personalizing the emails for you.

If you want to use your list of prospects you exported using a different tool, you can do that as well.

For this campaign, I will be using Respona’s Content Based prospect search.

Then, you need to enter a keyword or topic that you want Respona to search online.

respona review search

You can use search operators to narrow down your search.

Entering the right topics and keywords to search for is crucial in the success of your outreach campaign. It depends on what the purpose of your campaign is.

Going back to my example, what I can do is search for a topic that best describes Serpstat. In this case, I will enter “best seo tool.”

Once you see the result, you can also filter them accordingly.

respona filters

You can see different factors for each result to help you determine which ones to reach out to first.

page result factors on respona

Click the box of pages that you want to reach out for your outreach campaign.

Choose content that features similar or identical information. This way, you can send them personalized emails using the same template. For the other articles, you can create a brand new campaign to send out a different email

Moving on to the next step, you need to choose which template to send your contacts.

templates in respona

You can check out the template by hovering over it and clicking on the eye icon.

I chose the Content Promotions template because I want to get a link for the Serpstat review I wrote.

Here’s what the template looks like:

respona drip campaign

Once you’ve chosen the template, you need to edit it before sending them out.

The great thing about Respona is it gives you an idea on how users will respond to your email.

edit email template in respona

It helps you improve your email to increase deliverability and conversion rate when editing.

Also, make sure to edit out the text in brackets and fill out your info there.

You can also insert variables that you want to include in the email.

Here’s the template I came up for the campaign:

custom email template on respona

Also, don’t forget to edit the follow-up email and their subject lines.

follow-up email edit on respona

If you plan on creating your drip campaign from scratch, you can save the emails as a template and use them again on a different campaign.

Next, Respona will help you find the contact details of the page’s author.

What it does is search social media for the author’s profile. You then need to choose which among the profiles with the same name is the real author.

For this, you need to cross-reference the author image in the article to verify which ones in the results is the writer.

Then, click on “Get Contact.” The tool will find the email and verify to ensure deliverability.

adding contact using respona

If the color of the dot is green, it means that the email is accurate. If in red, the email is not accurate.

Be wary of this when assigning the recipients of your email campaign. You don’t want to send the email to incorrect emails because it will lower your deliverability rate. If all your emails keep bouncing back, your campaign will eventually go to the recipient’s spam folder.

Also, depending on your plan, each email you assign will take away a point from your total credits.

respona credits

Before moving to the next step, you need to find emails on all the pages you listed as prospects. If you can’t find the contacts of the person, you can delete the page from your list.

The final step before sending the email is further personalizing your emails.

Respona lets you do this by listing down excerpts of the author’s article.

email personalization using respona

Set the cursor in the email and click “Copy Excerpt” to insert the text there.

Use this feature if you want clarification about a particular line they wrote in the article or maybe discuss a point in relation to the excerpt.

The point is you want you use the Excerpts to customize the emails further. This way, it shows to recipients that you read the article and didn’t just send the email because you want a backlink.

Once you finish, click “Launch Campaign” to send the emails.

Over time, you can check out the performance of your campaign in the Reports section.

Reports Tab for respona campaign

Another cool feature of Respona is the ability to automatically rake in opportunities for your campaign.

respona opportunities

Using this feature allows you to add prospects in your campaign automatically so you don’t have to.

creating a new automation using respona

However, the key here is tracking the right keywords to include in your campaign. There may be times that the opportunities don’t match because you used the wrong topic or keyword.


respona pricing

Respona costs $95/month (paid annually). Or you can pay monthly for $145/month.

The plan gives you 50 content searches, 10 backlink checks per result, and 100 email sent in a day.

If that’s not enough, you can choose the Custom plan instead starting at $245/month (paid annually). This gives you more than enough juice to supercharge your outreach campaign.

respona features

Respona review: Verdict

Respona joins the blogger outreach market by providing users an easy way to manage their outreach campaign.

To be honest, the tool isn’t much different than the others out there. It lets you find contacts from within and send emails automatically using the available templates that you can edit and tweak.

However, I do appreciate the Opportunities feature that allow you to passively gather contacts of people whom you can reach with your campaigns. That’s a very convenient way to run Respona in the background while you focus on growing your business.

Also, Respona seems to be geared towards being a link building tool bevause it shows SEO metrics of prospects. No longer do you have to do extra research as to which one has more traffic and higher Domain Authority.

Regardless, I’d recommend Respona even to people who want to expand their business’ reach by forming relationships with influencers. Try Respona for free by clicking here or on the button below.