7 Lead Magnet Ideas to Implement Right Now

Last Updated on 4 years by Christopher Jan Benitez

Converting visitors into prospective sales is where the success of a company lies. Visitors come and go without leaving a lead – quite literally. That is why the marketing departments have come up with the “magnets” to rope in visitors, offer incentives, and convert them into buyers. 

However, is that as easy as it is said? 

Not essentially. 

Strategizing with lead magnet ideas to optimize your visiting traffic into returning ones, and potentially into customers, is not an easy game. This is mainly because lead magnets are popular bait, and you need to come up with relevant and value-adding stuff to gain the favor of your target audience. 

Buyer’s Journey Stages 

The buyer’s journey stages, as it clearly indicates, are three progressive steps that every prospective lead follows to become a buyer.  

buyer's journey stages

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Awareness Stage:

The prospect is completely unaware of your brand, or of the solution, it offers to a problem. A visitor might have stumbled upon your website via organic search, so at this stage, you have to focus on making the prospects become “aware”.

Consideration Stage:

As the prospect makes it to the middle of your customer journey funnel, it “considers” and weighs the options against the problem. Countless businesses are offering similar solutions, if not completely the same. In that case, what makes your brand credible?

Decision Stage:

If a lead has made it to the decision stage, all it needs is a slight push to be converted into a consumer. Just a click away, the right or wrong move can influence their buying decision. 

There’s a different mind map of the prospect at every stage of the funnel. Lead magnets, therefore, vary for each segment of the buyer’s journey. 

The Awareness Stage 

Educate with eBooks 

In-depth, detailed, and comprehensive eBooks are a powerful way to attract qualified sales leads by giving them a free download to an inclusive guide. They act as a strong lure because eBooks are a reserved property and require extensive time and knowledge to compile.

Make sure your eBook is thoroughly researched, is relevant to the brand’s core values, and has visual appeal. Using original infographics, charts, and images is an effective way to get your message across. 

Increase Productivity with Checklists

You can use checklists as a lead magnet considering the target audience of your company. 

Visitors find these quick lists helpful in optimizing their productivity – for instance, an ultimate to-do-list for backpackers so they do not miss out on anything. You can stash away valuable insight or tips and tricks in these “cheat sheets” in return for their email addresses.

Businesses customize the checklist lead magnet by turning it into steps of a process, top requirements, or best practices. As they are easy to consume and condenses a lot of information into an easy-to-scan list, it propels the prospect from the first stage to the next. 

interactive quizzes

Bring Interactive Quizzes 

Interactive quizzes are one way to entertain and interact with users while can be tailored to keep them invested in your preposition. Quizzes are custom-made – it is so much you can give and take from only a few interesting questions. They can be creative, whacky, and still remain relevant to the problem at hand. 

For instance, if your company sells athletic wear, you can create a quiz to get users to find out which sports movie character they would most likely play. Or, if you are an interior designing company, you can host a quiz asking people of their likes and dislikes to offer an end-result telling which design will suit their taste best. 

The Consideration Stage 

Exclusive Webinars

The king of converting leads, Neil Patel, recommends webinars as a strong magnet to attract genuinely interested sales leads. Webinars are classified under the “educational” lead magnets – schooling your visitors about something they didn’t already know. 

In return for an email address, prospects can watch live or pre-recorded presentations as many times as they want. Offer valuable insights, wisdom speech, and informative content with, perhaps, a host-interactive session or an attractive offer at the end to make it to the prospect’s shortlist. Knowledge is the key, and an exclusive webinar behind a gate is a promising way to catch potential buyers. 

Make sure you design the webinars in a way that it compels the prospect to “consider” your brand. 


Whitepapers are compelling reports or guides with exhaustive knowledge on a complex issue. They are a marketing magnet that takes on the form of an authoritative and credible problem-solving stance and has rich, in-depth methodologies presenting solutions. 

Readability is imperative, always. Keep the text boxes short, to-the-point, and backed by visuals to grab the reader’s attention. Since whitepapers are golden freebies for consumers to read, evaluate, and make a decision; you need to keep them power-packed with original facts and stats. 

The Decision Stage 

Prospects at this stage are waiting for the final push to help them make their decision. Consider the lead magnets under this section as the final straw to your conversion. You need to come up with personalized content that would interact with your final prospects and creatively address their pain points. 

Provide Discounts 

Discount coupons are the prime lead magnets to convert visitors into buyers. This magnet came into existence when the internet wasn’t ever found. So, you cannot undermine the effectiveness of discount coupons acting as the most successful incentives. 

Offer whooping discounts to first-time users, free shipping perks, giveaways, and free gifts on first deliveries. 


Seal the Deal with free demo/trials/consultation

Did you know that ASOS introduced a “try before you buy” model to gain the blind trust of their customers? And it worked – it worked better than anything else. Using this tactic, they not only conquered the hearts of their loyal customers, but it was another powerful generation of leads and referrals. 

Seal the deal for your customers at the last stage of the funnel by offering them free trials/demos or consultations of your services. 

Final Thoughts about Lead Magnet Ideas

Backed up marketing metrics and data, you can easily monitor the performance of your lead magnets and devise improvisations accordingly. There is nothing more challenging than converting visitors into buyers – and once they have converted, there’s nothing worthier.

julia burova

Julia Burova

Business Growth at Wincher – SEO rank tracker

Julia is a professional business development manager with proven experience in customer acquisition, strategic partnerships, and outbound marketing.