MissingLettr Review: The Missing Piece to Your Social Media Strategy?

Last Updated on 5 months by Christopher Jan Benitez

MissingLettr is a perfect addition to your social media campaign. It automates the publishing of your content on social platforms, automatically creates images for your social posts, and more!

Do you find social media promotions a perpetual pain in the ass?

While reaching out to your target audience with your content is a crucial component of your content marketing strategy, posting updates on social media is not the “sexiest” task on your list. Opening all your social media accounts to promote your latest post may not be the most efficient way of spending your time.

Even if you used a social media marketing tool to help you expedite the process, you still need to manually input the text and images to be included in each update.

If you want to re-promote the posts on social media, which you should, you have to repeat the steps again. And again.


It’s a painstaking process that will help tip the scales in favor of your content and drive more traffic to your blog. Unless your blog thrives from organic traffic, you need to take advantage of every tactic out there to help you drive more readers to your latest content.

At the same time, it’s only a boring and brain-dead task that gets duller and duller every time you do it. You can bite your lip and just keep promoting your content on social media, but you sacrifice your time from doing something that interests you more than this.

However, there’s a tool that aims to take the pain away from the monotonous social media posting that you have to do day in and out.

I’m referring to MissingLettr*.

In this MissingLettr review, I will discuss how this social media tool can help ease the boredom by letting you create a year’s worth of social media campaign for all your incoming blog posts. Also, I will talk about how useful this tool is for your needs and whether or not you should get this tool for your promotions strategy.

Note from the Editor

All links that point to MissingLettr are affiliate links. If you click on the links and successfully subscribe for an account at MissingLettr, I will receive a commission on the sale. If you like the tool, I would highly appreciate it if you sign up to MissingLettr using any of the links here or by clicking here*. Thanks!

Why you need a social media strategy and campaign?

Developing and implementing a social media campaign for your content is a requirement for all newbie blogs. You need to leverage the audience found on different social media site by posting there at the best times possible. This task may not be necessary for established blogs with returning visitors and lots of subscribers.

If you are a fairly new blog without any readers and no subscribers to your mailing list, then these are the things you’ll face if you decide not to develop a social media promotions strategy:

  • Suffer from zero traffic
  • No traffic means no readers, so all of the hard work you put in creating your content is all for nothing
  • No readers mean no chances for conversion, so you won’t be able to turn visitors into customers or subscribers
  • No conversions mean no nothing. You blogged simply to waste your own time. Congratulations!

These are outcomes that will be the death of your blog. Therefore, you need to devise a strategy that allows you to launch a promotions campaign on all your social media account and not be bored by it.

The story behind MissingLettr

MissingLettr is a brainchild of the innovative people behind Minimum Ideas which specializes in launching multiple projects. The tool was developed and launched within a week, which is a testament to the group’s skills and abilities to turn ideas into reality.

In simpler terms, MissingLettr is your solution for social media automation. With just a click of a button, the social media tool will automatically generate messages and images for Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn schedule for the entire year!

Sound amazing in concept, but does it deliver? Let’s find out.

How to use MissingLettr

Once you sign up for an account, you will be brought to the dashboard.

missinglettr dashboard

The screenshot above shows my account dashboard, which features the pending and active campaigns. It also shows the total clicks from your campaign over a period although it does not break down the clicks (at least not for now).

Also, ignore the section about the Appsumo add-ons. Disclaimer: I purchased my MissingLettr account from Appsumo*, a site that offers lifetime deals on SaaS products. If you want to buy business software and tools so you don’t have to shoulder any monthly costs, create your account on the site and browse their current deals.

Other important features you will see on the dashboard are the following:

  • Branding – Customize and edit the images that MissingLettr will generate when creating a campaign for your post. You can change the font size and weight, colors, and how it creates backgrounds for each image. This will make more sense later when we start creating a social campaign.
  • URL shortener – Instead of using your post’s URL, MissingLettr makes the link much easier for people to remember with the help of a link shortener. Choose from Google (goo.gl), Bitly, PixelMe, and others.
  • Calibration – It shows here the body of the post. If it doesn’t correctly show the content of the post, the tool may create a faulty campaign. It will draw text and images from what it sees from this dashboard section. You need to calibrate the tool so it shows the right content of the post.

Configuring site settings

Depending on the plan you will choose, you can add websites that you want to create automated social media campaigns for.

What MissingLettr does is take your RSS feed as it takes the latest posts so you can generate the campaign for each with a few clicks of a button.

missinglettr site settings

To set up the site that you want to promote on MissingLettr, click on the Settings > Website Settings on the menu bar.

missinglettr rss

Enter the details that you need to fill out the form on the Site Settings page as seen on the screenshot above.

If you don’t know what the RSS Feed URL of your site is, you can simply add “/feed” at the end of the URL, ex. http://website.com/feed, if you’re using WordPress to power your site. Otherwise, please read this post to help you find your site’s RSS feed.

If you own more than one site, you can add another site by clicking on your profile image on the left side of the menu.

missinglettr add new site

The significance of adding another site is to help you organize your campaigns according to websites. Also, you can add the correct social profiles for each site so the campaigns are published on the right social channels.

Adding social profiles

Next, you need to add the social profiles where you want to publish your campaign.

Go to Settings > Social Settings on the menu.

missinglettr social profiles

Click on the Add social profile box and choose the social network you want to add.

missinglettr social networks

There are only four channels available (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn). The choices will be down to three now that Google+ will close up shop very soon.

After choosing the network, you need to log in and connect it with MissingLettr. You need to do this on all sites you’ve added.

If you want the same social network to appear on more than one site, click on the Add existing button so you can include them in the campaign for that site.

Edit schedule, branding, and blacklisted items

Go to Settings > Dates & time.

Set the timezone that MissingLettr will follow when sharing your campaign on social media. Choose the days of the week when the campaign will be published on the social networks. Lastly, you can blacklist dates from the calendar to make sure your campaign won’t be published on those dates.

If you want your posts to be scheduled at specific times, click on the Schedule tab to fix the times.

MissingLettr schedule

If you want to maximize the impact of your social media campaign, then you need to know the best times when to publish your posts on each social media platform. If you’re not sure at the moment, you can refer to this CoSchedule post for the best times based on 20 studies. The findings here will help you come up with calculated guesses on when you should publish and build off from there.

Also, you can edit the schedule for your campaign. Since MissingLettr will create a year-long social campaign for your blog content, you can edit the dates when the posts will be published.

Go to Settings > Scheduled templates.

missinglettr 12 month evergreen

By default, MissingLettr will create nine (9) social posts for the networks you added on the social profile over the course of 365 days. Here, you can change the following:

  • the number of posts to be created by MissingLettr
  • the number of days when the posts will be published
  • duration of the campaign (it can go longer than a year)
  • distribution of posts for the campaign period.

Campaign settings

If you want to tweak the settings, go to Settings > Campaign settings.

missinglettr campaign settings

On this page, you can edit the details of your campaign. By default, each post in your campaign will include a hashtag of your choice, truncate the quotes that the tool will draw from your post, and Goo.gl as your URL shortener, among others.

Content templates

Content templates refer to the messages that MissingLettr will generate for you on social networks. To access this section on your dashboard, go to Settings > Content templates.

missinglettr content templates

From here, you can see the templates that MissingLettr will use to generate posts for your social media profiles. You can also add and edit templates for each date so you can have better control over the kind of posts that the tool will create for you.

missinglettr ad

Quote bubbles

Perhaps one of the most promising features of MissingLettr is the ability to automatically generate quote bubble images to be included with the social media messages on your campaign. Instead of looking for stock photos or creating one from scratch, MissingLettr takes away the pain by doing it for you with just one click!

To do this, go to Settings > Quote bubbles.

missinglettr review quote buuble

You will see the current templates active for your campaign. If you want to make changes on it, click on the pencil icon to start tweaking.

missinglettr quote bubble editing

You can edit how and where the tool will grab the background for each post. If you want to change the appearance of the quote bubble, you can do so too here. The same goes with the quote – change the font and its weight as you see fit. Finally, add a more personal touch to the images by including your name and avatar (or brand logo) on all posts in a campaign.

missinglettr template library

You can also change the template altogether by choosing from the premium templates and adding them to your library. From there, edit and incorporate them in your campaign as needed.

Finally, the Branding page will help you create the images along with your name, brand name, and image. Fill out the details and choose the quote image layout that you feel will be appropriate for your social media.

missinglettr review branding settings

Launching a social media campaign

To help you understand how MissingLettr lets you create social media campaigns for your post, I have created a step-by-step video showing you the exact process involved in launching a campaign for a post.

Feel like subscribing to MissingLettr now? Then click here to subscribe to MissingLettr!


Below is a screenshot of the tool’s plans:

missinglettr review pricing

The Free Plan is very limited but adequate enough to show you how the tool works. If you’re satisfied, you can update to their paid plans and enjoy even more features.

For $15/month as its cheapest paid subscription, I find MissingLettr to be affordable.

If you publish blog content on a regular basis, then there’s use for any of its packages. However, if you don’t publish content every day, or even a week for that matter, you should settle for the Free plan first and feel it out from there.

missinglettr ad 2

Pros and cons of MissingLettr

Now that we’ve run through this MissingLettr review, below are my personal thoughts about the tools based on my experience of using it for months.

PRO: Customizable messages and images

Back then, MissingLettr created images and text for your campaign from your post terribly. As a result, you end up doing the campaign from scratch, which defeats the purpose of using MissingLettr in the first place.

Thankfully, the title has undergone changes that makes the tool much easier and convenient to use.

The customizable templates for the quote bubbles spring to mind. You can design a template that uses your brand colors and logo to give your images for a more professional look.

In the campaign, you can flip through the different templates that fit the message on the post. Feel free to choose from the active templates you built for each post.

missinglettr review chosen content

Also, prior to launching your campaign, you can choose from a list of generated content that you want to feature on the posts. You can also create your own content if you’re not happy with the ones available.

More importantly and arguably the biggest chance that MissingLettr did for the tool is give users the ability to edit the text for the images.

missinglettr review edit image

If you’re not satisfied with the text on the quote bubble, you can change it on the fly before launching your campaign. Same goes with the content. It often happens that the content doesn’t match up with the image text so you’ll find yourself editing each post. It might be a bit time-consuming especially if you have lots of posts scheduled over the period.

However, the benefit comes after the campaign is launched.  You can download the images (or media assets as they referred to in the tool) so you can reuse them.


Click on the Campaigns tab on the menu and go to the Active tabs. You will see the campaigns you’ve launched thus far. On the right side of each title is the download icon. Click it to download the quote bubbles you have created using the tool.

With the images on hand, you can create a separate social campaign to promote your blog post, add them to the same post, include them on the new posts you’ll create – the possibilities are endless!

CON: Limited templates to choose from

MissingLettr doesn’t allow you to customize the images using CSS. Therefore, you have to depend on the templates to create images for you quote bubbles.

However, with only a handful of templates to choose from, you are hamstrung to come up with image designs that stand out from the pack. There’s even a chance that you will have similar images with other MissingLettr users due to this limitation.

PRO: Set-and-forget, one-click social media automation tool

I love the fact that MissingLettr lets you create a year’s worth of social campaign. You can even make the period longer so the tool can continue promoting your post even after a year or so.

Let’s be clear on one thing:

MissingLettr is not a social media scheduler or a management tool. There are other tools you can use for either purpose.

What it does, however, is to create posts that you can set up in a couple of minutes and forget about after launching it.

People will easily find the social media tool limited, but for what it’s worth, MissingLettr gets the job done as advertised. Instead of creating the images from scratch and composing the social media messages out of thin air, the tool does the job for you.

CON: Analytics feature is severely lacking

On the dashboard, it shows you the number of clicks your campaigns have accumulated over time. That’s great and all except for one single thing – you can’t dive deeper into the numbers.

missinglettr review con

You wouldn’t know where the clicks came from and which social network drove the most clicks and traffic to your posts. There’s no way for you to know which campaign or post performed the best. You also can’t know which content templates yield the best results.

All you have are the raw numbers for clicks each day. That is simply not enough.

As a result, you’ll end up creating campaigns without ultimately knowing whether they are truly effective or not.

To recap this MissingLettr review, watch this video created using InVideo:

MissingLettr review: Verdict

The first time I reviewed MissingLettr here, I was fairly critical about it. The user’s inability to customize images before and after they are created renders the tool useless for me. What’s the point of promoting social media content that doesn’t make sense? You can read my old review here in PDF format.

More than a year after, MissingLettr is a much better tool. You can now edit the images and the text in it, as well as download them for reuse. You also more control over your campaign from the templates used for the image and content to the duration of the campaign.

You can’t help but give props to the developers of this tool. They listened and constantly improved the tool since it was first available. Thanks to the changes, I give this tool two thumbs up.

missinglettr review verdict

That said, it’s far from a perfect tool. MissingLettr should focus on finding better ways to gather data from the campaigns and deliver them to users. The lack of information about the performance of each campaign makes it harder for people to create campaigns that their audience loves. They end up making campaigns that are not grounded in research and data. There’s a chance that all the campaigns you’re creating using the tool are smoke and mirrors.

For what its worth, MissingLettr is serving up to be the perfect complement to your current social media strategy. It helps you create content on social media that promote your blog posts. Despite its flaws, the important thing is that it does it rather well. You can’t find a tool that’s as intuitive and easy to use as MissingLettr. As mentioned, it’s not fully there yet, but once it adds the ability for users to analyze the campaigns using different variables, MissingLettr will truly be a social media tool to reckon with.